
wooden art


If you’re looking for some kind of wood to make luxury furniture, Bubinga wood is the best choice. This wood has a unique style that authority and beauty are just two of the features of this wood. This wood is a tropical hardwood and very rare. Bubinga Also known as African rosewood is native to tropical Logic of Africa. This wood is very heavy and hard so that Bubinga logs weigh can be more than…

This wood has distinctive deep red, which can be found in some areas of South America like Brazil. While aged bloodwoods color turns to dark, but it’s not something to be considered. So this is a great wood to use in indoor projects. The wood is very dense, with a tight fine, mostly linear grain. This tree is of medium height with a trunk diameter of about 18 inches on average. The blood tree is…

Making simple woodworking projects is one of the relaxing activities that many people do. You may think of desks, benches or shelves when you hear woodworking projects. Nowadays, DIY woodworking projects include a lot of fun as they have evolved to create wood projects that are not only functional but also enjoyable & cool. Cool ideas of woodworking projects for high school students have always been a concern of students and beginners. In this article,…

Always giving a gift to your mother makes you feel good. Have you ever thought about a special gift for your mom on the mother’s day? If not, we’ve prepared a list of DIY wooden gifts for moms which you can make yourself or buy it at a low cost. Give her a gift that you’ve made it yourself. No matter how much you spend on a gift, mothers really do not see things by…

Wood arts represent the connection between man and nature. It can be said that since humans had been starting to make tools, the relationship between man and wood has been started and still continues. Wood is a natural material that is abundant in different parts of our planet and is one of the materials used by early humans. Humans always have provided an important part, or at least one part of their needs, through this…

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