It might be interesting for you to know that there are woods with natural colors that are very beautiful and do not need to be painted. If you are looking for natural pink woods, you have come to the right place. In this article, while introducing 4 pink colored wood types, we will mention their general characteristics. Considering that this type of wood may be rare in some areas, we tried to identify the areas where these woods are found more. Stay with us.
4 Naturally Pink-Colored Wood Types
Most types of wood naturally have a brown color spectrum. But strange natural colors are also found among them. Here is a list of 4 types of natural pink-colored wood.
1- Pink Ash (Alphitonia Petriei)
There are many different types of ash trees that are characterized by the names of a specific color, such as black ash, white ash, blue ash, etc. Pink ash, scientifically known as “Alphitonia Petriei”, is also one of the types of ash that are included on this list because the wood of this tree has a faint pink theme (and, of course, because pink is in the name).
Distribution: Australia
Pink Ash Wood Color
You should not expect a thick pink color from this wood. The heartwood of pink ash is orangish pink while contrasting sapwood is pale yellow. If you are looking for woods with an orange color spectrum, see Orange Colored Woods.
You can use it to make furniture, carving, turned wooden objects, and other specialty wood applications.

2- Dogwood (Cornus Florida)
The strange name of this species stands out more than its color. Dogwood (with the scientific name Cornus Florida) is a common name for trees and shrubs in the temperate Northern Hemisphere genus Cornus. Cornus is a genus of about 30–60 species of woody plants which can generally be distinguished by their blossoms, berries, and distinctive bark.
Lichtenberg Wood Burning eBook

Download Lichtenberg Wood Burning eBook
One of the modern techniques for creating wooden artwork is called Lichtenberg wood Burning. In this eBook, we are going to introduce this newfound art to you.
This technique is known with some different names such as Lichtenberg wood burning, fractal wood burning, and electricity wood art.
This technique should not be confused with wood burning art or pyrography. The art of pyrography on wood is the art of creating motifs and designs by burning with hot metal tools on objects such as wooden surfaces.
Lichtenberg burning is a wood-burning technique for creating designs with electricity.
This eBook is a comprehensive guide on Lichtenberg Wood Burning. All you need to know for Lichtenberg Wood Burning is here.
This is a limited-time offer, order now to get access to the future eBook releases.
Distribution: Eastern North America
Dogwood Wood Color
The sapwood of dogwood is cream to pale pinkish in color and the heartwood is browner. Its common uses are golf club heads, bows (archery), pulleys, and turned objects. Therefore, the pink color of this wood is not its unique feature that has a special use.

3- Pink Ivory (Red Ivorywood)
Pink Ivory (with the scientific name Berchemia Zeyheri), also called red ivory is an African hardwood used to make a variety of wooden products. This wood is rated as durable to very durable regarding rot resistance.
Although the wood of Pink Ivory is really pink, it is considered one of the rarest woods in the world. The pink ivory tree grows predominantly in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Northern Botswana, and South Africa.
Distribution: Southern Africa
Pink Ivory Wood Color
Pink Ivory is actually a naturally pink colored wood, unlike the previous two which were pinker in “name” than “color”! Pink Ivory ranges in color from pale brownish pink to a bright, almost neon pink, to a deep red. Due to the special color of this wood and of course its high hardness as well as its rarity, it is used to make decorative items, inlays, carving, knife handles, and similar items.

4- Rose Gum
Flooded gum or rose gum, which is known by the scientific name Eucalyptus Grandis, is another type of tree whose wood is pink in color. Rose gum is a very tall forest tree, reaching 45 to 55 meters in height, with a trunk of between one and two meters in diameter. The construction industry, flooring, furniture, and boat building are among the main uses of the wood of these trees.
Distribution: Eastern Australia; also grown on plantations worldwide
Rose Gum Wood Color
The heartwood color of rose gum wood ranges from pink to reddish brown and its sapwood is sometimes indistinct from heartwood.

The use of these woods has many advantages, including saving the cost of painting, showing the natural grain of the wood, and as a result conveying the sense of rusticity and natural beauty, as well as not using chemical dyes, which can be environmental friendly. On the other hand, these sticks can be used as natural wooden toys for children.
In this article, we have listed 4 types of natural pink colored wood, among which Pink Ivory had a distinct place. This wood can be called the pinkest wood available, which, unfortunately, is not very accessible. Finally, I suggest you see Red-Colored Wood, there you can find woods that are naturally red in color.