
types of wood


What is the wood dream meaning? In many ancient societies, such as those of Egypt and Greece, Iran, China, and India, dreams and dreaming were considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine intervention, whose message could be interpreted by people with these associated spiritual powers. If you have ever dreamed of wood or wooden objects, your dream may have a meaning. Some dreams have no specific interpretation, and they fall into the category…

Woods differ in texture and color. This difference depends on the species and soil conditions. The natural wood colors chart can be a need for those who are interested in using natural wood colors. Due to the lack of a categorized source of different types of colored wood, we decided to take a look at the natural colored wood and introduce the wood species for each color. This is a very interesting idea and can…

If you are an experienced carpenter, you know that choosing the most appropriate material for home improvement or to make woodcrafts and other woodworking projects require precision and you should be familiar with all types of wood. Choosing the right wood will definitely give you top results. Sometimes, you may need to choose the hardest wood in the world for your wooden project, we want to help you in this matter. As you probably know…

Did you know that some woods are naturally red and do not need to be painted? Which woods are red-colored woods? Wooden projects are usually painted in different colors, but there are woods that do not need this. They have a beautiful natural color so you can save your money and you don’t need to buy paints. On the other hand, Chemical dyes have many disadvantages and are also harmful to carpenters’ health. In this…

If you’re looking for some kind of wood to make luxury furniture, Bubinga wood is the best choice. This wood has a unique style that authority and beauty are just two of the features of this wood. This wood is a tropical hardwood and very rare. Bubinga Also known as African rosewood is native to tropical Logic of Africa. This wood is very heavy and hard so that Bubinga logs weigh can be more than…

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